Work shop (German language)
Plan times, calculation and work planning
In the context of this seminar the way from the time study in MEZA to a work plan in PLAZET shall be explained clearly. Which method of plan time generation shall be applied when, to quickly create an optimal time basis for your calculation using the existing data material.

The participants learn how to represent and aggregate a complex process by script formulas. In the second part of the work shop the composition of the work plan databases is in the focal point, whereby designing a user interface with FORMAS is one of the main topics. The knowledge of effective application of database functions is imparted as well as the advantages of references and cost center linking.  
  • Creating samples and applying regression analysis
  • Using script formulas for plan time generation
  • Building work processes for calculation
  • Work plans, components and articles
  • Designing forms and defining interfaces with FORMAS

Target group
This seminar is especially suited for participants who want to get an overview of the basics of plan time generation and who are notably interested in subsequently using the times for calculation and work planning.  

1,5 days  

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Registration for work shop
Plan times, calculation and work planning

Company Department
Addition Street
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Phone E-Mail
 Title  First name  Name
    650,00 EUR for each person plus VAT

- not available -


Work shop details
Parkhotel Wittekindshof
Westfalendamm 270
44141 Dortmund
Phone 02 31 / 51 93-0
The fee includes documents, lunch and coffee breaks.
In the hotel mentioned above we have reserved blocks of rooms at special prices for work shop participants (Keyword „DRIGUS“).
Up to 10 days before start of the work shop a cancelation is exempt from charges. Thereafter the complete attendance fee is brought to account and we deliver the work shop documents by mail.