Work shop (German language)
Application design with FORMAS
Designing screen and print outputs for your DRIGUS applications is not the only thing you can do with FORMAS. The possibility to create new data fields in combination with formulas and to define import and export interfaces enables you to influence not only the program surface but also calculations and outputs.

At the beginning of the work shop the participants get to know the structure of the program FORMAS by creating simple screen and print outputs. Thereafter tables are defined, modified and combined. Subsequently the data structure is expanded by individual user-defined data fields. Calculations with the help of formula-fields, the definition of a simple export interface and the embedding of an external data source (e.g. Excel file) is explained in the conclusion of the work shop.  
  • Creation of screen and print outputs
  • Creation of tables for screen and print outputs
  • Individual data fields
  • Calculation with formula fields
  • Definition of import and export interfaces
  • Embedding of external data sources (e.g. Excel files)

Target group
This seminar is especially suited for DRIGUS customers who want to get familiar with the functions offered by FORMAS to modify and expand the program surfaces and outputs of MEZA, PLAZET and TAKTOS.  

0,5 days  

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Registration for work shop
Application design with FORMAS

Company Department
Addition Street
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Phone E-Mail
 Title  First name  Name
    510,00 EUR for each person plus VAT

- not available -


Work shop details
The fee includes documents and coffee breaks.
We will be happy to assist you in finding a suitable hotel.
Up to 10 days before start of the work shop a cancelation is exempt from charges. Thereafter the complete attendance fee is brought to account and we deliver the work shop documents by mail.