Work shop (German language)
Statistic in production engineering
In operational practice skills in statistical methods are essential. The main topics of this work shop are the basics of test series and regression analysis. With the help of many examples the theoretical background of the calculation methods and the meaning of statistical key indices are explained.

After the basics of statistical methods and the corresponding terms have been exemplified, the participants are going to develop and evaluate plan time formulas with PLAZET using the regression analysis. Very important at this point is the correct approach: what does the result mean, how can errors be detected and avoided?  
  • Average determination and test series analysis
  • Multiple non-linear regression analysis
  • Coefficient of determination and confidence interval
  • Statistical test methods
  • Assessment of regression formulas

Target group
This seminar is especially suited for all people who want to take a close look at the basics of statistic and who want to learn how to use statistical methods for more efficiency in time study and plan time management.  

1,0 days  

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Registration for work shop

Company Department
Addition Street
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Phone E-Mail
 Title  First name  Name
    490,00 EUR for each person plus VAT

- not available -


Work shop details
The fee includes documents, lunch and coffee breaks.
We will be happy to assist you in finding a suitable hotel.
Up to 10 days before start of the work shop a cancelation is exempt from charges. Thereafter the complete attendance fee is brought to account and we deliver the work shop documents by mail.