Optimal adaption
Most versatile
The program FORMAS belongs to the scope of delivery of MEZA and PLAZET. It never works directly with user data, but instead determines how this data appears on the display, in print outputs and import or export files. FORMAS arranges the structure of data bases, interfaces and dialogs "in the background" and thus is one of the most important components of the DRIGUS system.

FORMAS enables you to design dialogs and forms for display and printer. With FORMAS you succeed in adapting your system to any operating conditions easily. Furthermore you can modify and extend the data structure according to your wishes by inserting new data fields for time studies or calculations - without any costs for programming. User-defined import and export interfaces provide data exchange with external programs. Companywide online connections to existing data bases are realized using ADO.

Get creative
  • Design of dialogs, tables and print outputs
  • Data structure enlargement by inserting user defined data fields
  • Embedding of graphics and videos into all forms
  • Calculation of field contents with the help of formulas
  • Online connection to Excel spreadsheets or external data bases

Screen design
Get creative and design the layout of your dialogs and tables. Easy and trouble-free for any kind of application.

Print outputs
Create new study sheets, lists and tables in different formats and combinations. Simple and safe via drag-and-drop.

Data structure
Do you need new data fields? More Information? Fields containing formulas?
No problem – FORMAS enables you realize your wishes.

Whether import or export. Whether file transfer or online interface. With FORMAS you succeed in embedding your data perfectly.