Using structures
Setup and composition
The results of the line balancing are written to a central data base. Here you can take a look at the different variants of line balancing. You can compare the results and copy, insert and delete the single entries as needed.

In the beginning you build up a structure consisting of groups of work stations. Subsequently this work stations are filled up one by one with activities from an activity-pool. You can either make a manual input of your textdata, time types, times, factors etc. or you access already existing time blocks within the DRIGUS system and integrate them into your structure.

The selective transfer of activity data from a time study facilitates the set-up of your line balancing.
The times are selected well-directed from different time studies and transferred into your line balancing. With the help of the time type filter you can exactly define which data shall be transferred.

Moreover you can create a whole line balancing by copying a multi job study from MEZA into your structure.

  • Manual input of activities with time type, factor, divisor and text
  • Access to time studies for data transfer of already existing time blocks
  • Generation of line balancing structures by use of multi job studies
  • Import of Excel spread sheets with the help of the clipboard
  • Optional use of basic times or times with additions